Greyville, NewCastle, Brighton, Pontefract 03.08

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 So much so for transparency TAI hasn't released any update regarding the launch of National Tote. Least it could do was to showcase the interface.

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Greyville

4:00 PM: 1-5. Parmenion--Won
4:35 PM: 2-2. American Style--2nd
5:10 PM: 3-1. Wedding Bliss
5:45 PM: 4-6. Queue Wing--Won
6:20 PM: 5-3. Lady Triptee --2nd
6:55 PM: 6-4. Track Commander
7:25 PM: 7-9. Cafe Pacifica
8:05 PM: 8-1. Beckoning Beauty--Won
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ NewCastle
6:00 PM: 1-7. Buachaill
6:30 PM: 2-10. Sophia's Starlet-3rd/ 2. Tribal Hunter-2nd
7:00 PM: 3-7. Billy Wedge
7:30 PM: 4-5. Gold Charm
8:00 PM: 5-6. Mutarafeeq
8:30 PM: 6-9. Northbound--Won
9:00 PM: 7-4. Roshambo--Won

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Brighton
6:10 PM: 1-7. Holbache/ 3.Antiphon-Won
6:40 PM: 2-8. SomedayOnedayNever-2nd
7:10 PM: 3-4. Asense-2nd
7:40 PM: 4-6. Turn Of Phrase
8:10 PM: 5-11. Uncle Dick/ 8. English Spirit-2nd
8:40 PM: 6-6. RedRedRobin-2nd
9:10 PM: 7-2. ViewFromTheStars-3rd
 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Pontefract
6:50 PM: 1-2. Tele Red-Won
7:20 PM: 2-4. Look Back Smiling-Won/ 1. Colnago-3rd
7:50 PM: 3-6. Kincade-Won
8:20 PM: 4-1. Global Spirit-Won
8:50 PM: 5-2. Jomont
9:20 PM: 6-5. Vaunted
9:50 PM: 7-3. Haymaker


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