
Monday, December 26, 2022

Blog will be closed on 5th Jan with posting of final verse of BhagvadGita in sidebar

In an extreme rare event of change in Taxation method of levying GST from turnover to Commission and Clubs shunning their ego to start a National Tote this blog will again become active!! Not happening at least till next 5 years :-) 

Final verse of Bhagvad Gita 
Thus ends the posting of one verse per day for the last 710 days 
Understanding the essence of Bhagvad Gita may be as easy as to accept that everything in this world belongs to God and our aim is to reach his supreme abode by doing good Karma Or can be as tough as to question each and every aspect of what's happening in this world. 

यत्र योगेश्वर: कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धर: |
तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम || 78||

yatra yogeshvarah krishno yatra partho dhanur-dharah
tatra shrir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama

"Wherever there is Shree Krishna, the Lord of all Yog, and wherever there is Arjun, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be unending opulence, victory, prosperity, and righteousness. Of this, I am certain."

The Bhagavad Gita concludes with this verse delivering a deep pronouncement. Dhritarashtra was apprehensive of the outcome of the war. Sanjay informs him that material calculations of the relative strengths and numbers of the two armies are irrelevant. There can be only one verdict in this war—victory will always be on the side of God and his pure devotee, and so will goodness, supremacy, and abundance.

God is the independent, self-sustaining sovereign of the world, and the most worthy object of adoration, and worship. na tatsamaśh chābhyadhikaśhcha dṛiśhyate (Śhwetaśhvatar Upaniṣhad 6.8) [v44] “There is no one equal to him; there is no one greater than him.” He merely needs a proper medium to manifest his incomparable glory. The soul who surrenders to him provides such a vehicle for the glory of God to shine forth. Thus, wherever the Supreme Lord and his pure devotee are present, the light of the Absolute Truth will always vanquish the darkness of falsehood. There can be no other outcome.


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