Fairview 31.03

Friday, March 31, 2023

  In the month of April we have only Delhi and Ooty races and as such will be charging 1500/- only
Interested persons who wish to subscribe for Worksheets can mail vinodvyass76@gmail.com

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Fairview
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

4:15 PM: 1-6. Belle's First Wave
4:50 PM: 2-6. Lovin' You Baby
5:25 PM: 3-2. Dream Scape
6:00 PM: 4-5. Joyous Jubilee
6:30 PM: 5-5. Stolen Kiss
7:05 PM: 6-2. Al Qaasim
7:40 PM: 7-3. Captain Oupie
8:15 PM: 8-4. Alingalonga


Vaal 30.03

Thursday, March 30, 2023

  Yet another setback to Indian Racing. Madras Race club faces an existential crisis. Madras High court has ordered MRC to pay ₹736 crores within one month else vacate. MRC obviously cannot pay that money and their only hope is to secure a stay from SC

πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Vaal

Hosted by  Play.hydraces.com 

3:30 PM:   1-1.   FullyiAutomatix
4:00 PM:   2-6.  Jerusalema Rain
4:30 PM:   3-13. White Hill
5:05 PM:   4-6.   Broad Way
5:40 PM:   5-2.   Broadlines
6:15 PM:   6-6.   Queen Britannia
6:50 PM:   7-1.  Sheldon
7:20 PM:   8-13. Admiralty Arch
7:55 PM:   9-12. Timbavati River
8:35 PM: 10-5.   Blue Waters


Scotsville 30.03

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 In the month of April we have only Delhi and Ooty races and as such will be charging 1500/- only
Interested persons who wish to subscribe for Worksheets can mail vinodvyass76@gmail.com

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Scottsville
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

4:25 PM: 1-6. Sign of Fate
5:00 PM: 2-5. Benni In The Area
5:35 PM: 3-7. Lady Serena
6:10 PM: 4-1. Fine Admiral
6:50 PM: 5-6. Hawker Typhoon
7:25 PM: 6-3. Kabon Kapi
8:00 PM: 7-6. Slim Jannie


Durbanville 28.03

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

In the month of April we have only Delhi and Ooty races and as such will be charging 1500/- only
Interested persons who wish to subscribe for Worksheets can mail vinodvyass76@gmail.com

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Durbanville
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

4:00 PM: 1-7. Unconquerable Lady
4:35 PM: 2-5. Gainsford
5:10 PM: 3-9. Cloud Chaser
5:45 PM: 4-8.Autumn Moon
6:20 PM: 5-4.Future Turn
6:55 PM: 6-5.Chollima---DAYS BEST
7:30 PM: 7-2.Zippy Over
8:10 PM: 8-7.What A State--GOOD


Greyville 27.03

Monday, March 27, 2023

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Greyville
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

3:35 PM: 1-4.Cotton Ron
4:05 PM: 2-6.Queen Jackson
4:35 PM: 3-4. Mr Pigalle
5:15 PM: 4-. American Dream
5:50 PM: 5-3. Dilluh
6:25 PM: 6-3. Royal Kitty
7:05 PM: 7-2. Preemptive Strike


Greyville 26.03

Sunday, March 26, 2023

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Greyville

Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

3:50 PM: 1-4. Romance In Rome
4:25 PM: 2-4. Vermacilli
5:00 PM: 3-2, Reach For The Stars
5:35 PM: 4-7. Master Reign
6:10 PM: 5-10.Walton Hall
6:45 PM: 6-1.Back To Black
7:20 PM: 7-2.Papa C
7:55 PM: 8-5. Magna Matter


Durbanville, Turffontein 25.03

Saturday, March 25, 2023

πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Turffontein
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

3:40 PM: 1-1.May Queen
Drops in grade and should be a strong force in this Conditions Plate

4:15 PM: 2-1. Mo The Man - Placed @1.1
Close second over mile last time and can extend well in this shorter trip. 

4:50 PM: 3-1. Keep The Fort
Many first timers here however first preference is given to Keep The Fort who is knocking door and can get it this time

5:25 PM: 4-5.Marigold Hotel - Placed @6/1
Ignore last two runs in higher grade, earlier finished a good second in this class and with a low handicap can get the work done

6:00 PM: 5-4.GimmeAnotherChance
This is a Grade-3 race, last start winners will have support but GimmeAnotherchance who finished a good eye-catching second in debut with in form jockey astride is literally screaming for another chance 

6:35 PM: 6-1.Elegant Ace  - Placed @1/1
An impressive run away winner on debut can take big leap forward to show her presence kn this Grade-3 Race. 

7:10 PM: 7-4.Divine Odyssey
Merits attention for close 4th over this Course and Distance last season, will do well in this easier grade

7:45 PM: 8-1.Little Prince 
Running close to winner in slightly higher grade and may find this set winnable. 

8:20 PM: 9-1.Expeditioner
Returns to lower class after rubbing shoulders with better horses in last 3 runs, rosy chances

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Durbanville
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

4:00 PM: 1-2. Blue Holly - Won @3/1
4:35 PM: 2-3. Avignon - Placed @3/1
5:10 PM: 3-6. Lady Renee - Placed @5/1
5:45 PM: 4-3. Misty Cliffs
6:20 PM: 5-1. Kelp Forest - Won @1.2
6:55 PM: 6-8. Miss Greenlight - Won @9/1
7:30 PM: 7-4. Sonic Burst
8:05 PM: 8-2. Barzalona--DAYS BEST - Placed @1.1
8:35 PM: 9-10.Bonanza - Placed @7/1


Fairview 24.03

Friday, March 24, 2023

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Fairview
Hosted by Play. Hydraces. Com 

Pls note that today's Fairview Meeting has been moved to the Poly Track due to heavy rains in the region. 

4:10 PM: 1-3.Global Force
4:45 PM: 2-7.Siberian Fox
5:20 PM: 3-8.Texas Tornado
5:55 PM: 4-5.Zig Zag
6:30 PM: 5-3.Masters Queen
7:05 PM: 6-3.Perfection
7:40 PM: 7-5.Cliff Top
8:15 PM: 8-4.Carbonado


Vaal 23.03

Thursday, March 23, 2023

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Vaal

Hosted by  
4:00 PM: 1-1.Maith An Cailin
4:30 PM: 2-2.Earl
5:00 PM: No choice as all First Timers
5:35 PM: 4-2.Callmewhenuneedme
6:10 PM: 5-1.Puerto Plata
6:45 PM: 6-4.Stratospheric
7:20 PM: 7-2.Golden Spoon
8:00 PM: 8-11.Samoa


Scottsville 22.03

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Scottsville

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

4:25 PM: 1-12.Errols Legacy
5:00 PM: 2-2.Captain Marvel
5:35 PM: 3-10.Kashkaval
6:10 PM: 4-1.La Dreamer
6:50 PM: 5-6.Berchamwood Boy
7:25 PM: 6-3.Bless Me Fred
8:00 PM: 7-4.Aspoestertjie


Turffontein 21.03

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Turffontein

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces
Just saw the odds, incidentally all my picks are either first or second fav!! 

3:30 PM:  1-4.  Max The Magician
4:00 PM:  2-10.Red Hot Rose
4:35 PM:  3-1.  Heart of Eternity
5:10 PM:  4-4.  Magic Prince
5:45 PM:  5-6.  Banha Bridge
6:20 PM:  6-8.  Zuhan
6:55 PM:  7-1.  Oyster King
7:30 PM:  8-2.  Southern Skies
8:05 PM:  9-6.  Mother of Pearl
8:40 PM: 10-1. What you waiting for 


R. I. P Tote

Monday, March 20, 2023

 Final nail in the coffin of Indian Racing 
Punters have to register and update KYC otherwise 30% will be deducted on entire amount (winning+Investment). Even for the punters who register and update KYC tax will be deducted once the winning exceeds 10k in the entire financial year !!! 

Totes will be as good as dead

Racing is taking a full circle 
Slowly we are going back to times when we had only bookies and small seasons 



 No South Africa races today


Scottsville 19.03

Sunday, March 19, 2023

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Scottsville

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

4:15 PM: 1-10.Captain's Christy
4:50 PM: 2-6.Law of Success
5:25 PM: 3-8.Caesura
6:00 PM: 4-10.Nonoti
6:35 PM: 5-3.Red Roses Too-- GOOD
7:10 PM: 6-8.Lazy Guy --DAYS BEST
7:45 PM: 7-6.Elusive Swann
8:15 PM: 8-5.Tinder Dry


Turffontein 18.03

Saturday, March 18, 2023

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Turffontein

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

3:40 PM: 1-1.Iron Sky
4:10 PM: 2-1.American Biscuit
4:45 PM: 3-3.Global Impact
5:20 PM: 4-6.Wokonda
5:55 PM: 5-14.Young Jackie
6:30 PM: 6-3.Clafoutis
7:05 PM: 7-4.Kiss Me Captain
7:40 PM: 8-1 Tread Swiftly
8:15 PM: 9-2.Cian The Contender

Days Best: 7-4. KISS ME CAPTAIN
Good:         1-1. Iron Sky 
                    3-3. Global Impact


Fairview 17.03

Friday, March 17, 2023

  πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Fairview

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

3:55 PM: 1-13.Esther-- Won
4:25 PM: 2-12.Back For More-- Won
5:00 PM: 3-4.Uncle George-- Won
5:35 PM: 4-5.Taratino-- Placed
6:10 PM: 5-2.Vihzoe's Magic 1.Hazy Crazy Night
6:45 PM: 6-2.Double Destiny-- Placed
7:20 PM: 7-5.Marshmallow
8:00 PM: 8-12.GunSmoke


Turffontein 16.03

Thursday, March 16, 2023

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Turffontein

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

3:35 PM: 1-4.Efficient Trader -Jockey lost Reins
4:05 PM: 2-1.Fire N Flames-- Won
4:35 PM: 3-2.Ice Star
5:05 PM: 4-3.Phantomoftheforest-- Won
5:35 PM: 5-8.Burmese Tiara
6:15 PM: 6-3.Eternity Ring
6:50 PM: 7-4.Pashasha -Placed
7:25 PM: 8-9.Luthuli -Placed
8:05 PM: 9-2.Tillieangus -Withdrawn

Days Best: Ice Star (3-2) 
Good: 1-4.Efficient Trader
            4-3. Phantomoftheforest


Scottsville 15.03

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Indian Racing is set to fall into deeper abyssal from next month when TDS rules will be changed from 194 to 195BB which makes it mandatory for tax deductions on all winnings. Clubs will be mandated to seek KYC of punters betting on both Totes or with bookies. In absence of KYC they have to deduct 30% on winning amount including investment which is totally impractical. Needless to say Totes will be finished and punters will be left with no choice but to flock Black markets for their betting needs. 

Lack of unity among Clubs is the prime reason for this apathy which has befallen on Indian racing. A God father who can steer Indian racing back to smooth path is needed but will we be able to find another MAM or VM? 

It has been over 5 years now since monstrous GST of 28% was levied on Horse Racing. Clubs neither could not successfully show GST council about ill-effects of high tax bracket nor could they convince them about benefits of practical low slab tax. It looks like they are waiting for some Miracle to happen out of thin air. Then we have TAI (Turf Authorities of India) which is an useless body that could not even perform a basic task of bringing all clubs on common platform for a simple issue like National Tote. 

HRC, MRC have funds good enough to sustain for another 5 years but same cannot be said for BTC, Rwitc, Mysrc, RCTC which are already on hand to mouth situation. 
Let's see how long can they pull

 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Scottsvile

Hosted by  Play. Hydraces

3:55 PM: 1-5 Heirloom
4:30 PM: 2-5 Oh So Squishy 2.Southern Cape
5:05 PM: 3-7.Taste Maker
5:40 PM: 4-4.Passage of Power
6:20 PM: 5-3.Northern Warrior
6:55 PM: 6-4.Maquette
7:30 PM: 7-7.Congo Compaq
8:05 PM: 8-6.Riccardo

Days best: 7-7


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All the postings and comments are my personal Views.Owner of the blog cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising due to use of data from this blog for any wagering etc . The blog is basically for information & guidance purposes and not for basis of any venture of any kind. I have created this site for airing my views on the subject and not for any personal benefits

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