Bangalore, Scottsville, Chelmsford City 24.07
Sunday, July 24, 2022
🇮🇳 Bangalore
Decipher for Saddle Number not for Horse Name
2:00 PM: The only Even Prime Number [Ans: 2]
2:30 PM: A Pronic Number and The only Pronic Number[Ans: 2]
3:00 PM: 4th Number in Fibonacci Series[Ans: 3]
3:30 PM: Represents Power ON for a Computer Processing System[Ans: 1]
4:00 PM: Britney Spears Famous Album[Ans: 3]
4:30 PM: Base of Binary System[Ans: 2]
5:00 PM: A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs. As she is going
home, all but three eggs break. How many eggs are left unbroken? [Ans: 3]
5:30 PM: A grandmother, two mothers, and two daughters went to a baseball game
together and bought one ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in
total? [Ans: 3]
🇿🇦 Scotsville
4:45:PM: 2-7. Strawberry Bear
5:20 PM: 3-6. Grand Orecchie
5:55 PM: 4-1. Intimidator6:30 PM: 5-2. Reginas Angel
7:05 PM: 6-3. Runaway Song
7:40 PM: 7-1. Full Royalty8:15 PM: 8-1. Phinda Mzala
🇬🇧 Chelmsford City
5:30 PM: 1-3. Lucy Lightfoot
6:05 PM: 2-1. Appointed One
6:40 PM: 3-1. Time Step
7:15 PM: 4-2. Dubai Station
7:50 PM: 5-1. Plastic Paddy
8:25 PM: 6-6. Campese
9:00 PM: 7-6. Must be Royale
🇬🇧 Pontefract
Hosted by
6:15 PM: 1-1.Can To Can
6:50 PM: 2-4. Defence Treaty
7:25 PM: 3-2. PieceDeResistance
8:00 PM: 4-4. Gumdrop
8:35 PM: 5-2. Astro King
9:10 PM: 6-7. Yakhabar
9:45 PM: 7-10. Chester Le Streak
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