Combined National Tote--A step closer to Reality

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Turf Authorities of India has accepted the RWITC’s proposal to explore the possibility of having combined National Tote pools. RWITC will work out the modalities and TAI will meet again at Ooty on May 22 to consider it and take a final call.

Horse Racing in India is going thru troubled times right from the day Demonetization was implemented followed by a fatal blow in form of 28% GST.Killing of a legitimate,legal and revenue generating way of Business paved way for unaccounted,illegal betting and the same was conveyed to GOI but it stubbornly refused to reduce GST . Tote collections have fell drastically effecting clubs finance which in turn effects everyone associated with this sport.

One must say TAI woke up too late, this should have started immediately when it was announced that Horse racing will be bracketted under special category.Clubs wasted lot of time in expecting relief from GOI and hoping against hope that GST would be implemented on commission and not on total sale value.

All Turf Clubs must let go their egos and work in unison to save this sport from getting extinct, there is absolutely no way that racing in this conditions can last for more than 3 years.GOI may consider reducing GST on a Combined National Tote

Optimism is not the flavor of season at least in Horse Racing but then Pessimism was never the solution so keep fingers crossed and hope that sense and sanity prevails


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