Amazing act collapses
Monday, August 24, 2009
Exactly a year and 20days back Amazing act threw jockey Suresh away on rails and caused his death.Today exactly at same spot Amazing act collapsed due to cardiac arrest.
Every time something of this nature happens,some old timers says there was a small temple at that place which gave way to track.
Amazing act died due to GREED.Jockey was whipping him mercilessly even though it was very clearly visible that the horse was stopping,was he not sensible enough to see that the horse was in great distresss.
This incident again highlights poor condition of horses stationed at HRC.In order to cut cost many owners do not opt for mandatory periodical health checkups.Its high time HRC takes step to ensure better medical facilities for horses by procuring services of top professionals concerned.Horses are LIFE of racing and if they are not sound and healthy then can we expect quality racing.
If it is true then some remedial measures must have to be taken by the officials of the HRC in this regard in order to avoid such incidents and to safe guard the lives of jockeys & as well as pretty animals on whom the public are gambling.
what a pity,
the rider do not know about horse condition, neither the trainer who instruct the jockey.
is it co incident or some unknown celestial guidance.
thanks for informing vinodji
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