Bangalore 06/12

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hi all,
Feature event of the day should see a fierce fight between Diamondhunter and Womanontop with latter holding advantage.Card looks very good and rails birds can have field day as most of the races wear open look in terms of odds.

Race1: Targetachiever(7)/Buchepalas(2)
Target achiever has run benifit,services of top jockey and working along with class2 horses,should not disappoint.Buchepalas is working well and should be there along with former.Mighty monarch may fill in third slot.

Race2: Liveitup(2)/Royalconfidence(3)
Liveitup ran well in final stages of race in its last outing,had good mysore runs,should be able to pull it off from Royalconfidence who definetely will be involved in final finish as its final track work was given by B prakash himself.Angelfield has problem of slow start,hence cannot be trusted.Voice of india may do well over this extended distance and looks good place bet.

Shootarainbow, a impressive winner can be persisted with and should be able to tackle this set.Ignore last run of Sunnycolors,is running in optimum distance and is expected to be involved in final tussle along with Allmycolors.

Wilewench looks good in this weak set and is expected to be do well.Mac is entrusted to its fav jockey and that indicates it will be fully extended.

Ignore last run of Blackpassjunior,working very well and should do well over this distance.Girlnext door is expected to do well and should grace board.

This race shoud see a fierce battle between this two with former holding slight advantage.Queensguest is at feather weight and if jockey rides it judicously will be right there.

Open race with former looking good and should be able to pull it off from chillywind and Fantabalousprince.

Sunnybaba, in this lower class looks very good over this distance and should be able to pull it off from Alyscia and different opinion.

Treble:Targetachiever(1-7)/Shootarainbow(3-2)/ womanontop(6-3)

Have a nice day.


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