Hyderabad selections 12/08/08

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi all,
No rains for last two days,Monday afternoon witnessed bright sunshine,so in all probability Going Will be "Good" except for late night rains.This are my views for the races to be held on Tuesday.


The duo of Bangalore returnee,Iaepetus and Vijayrath would be market fancy.Vijayrath who is wellbred,tracking extremely well,ran easy in BangaloreDerby is definetely better than Iaepetus who gave forward run to likes of Tomsk in Bangalore.The horse which can cause a major upset here is Hypnotiq who has run benifit,+ve change of equipment,allowance claiming jockey,two times winner in this class all pointing towards the fact that he will be a live force and it will be a touch and go affair between Hypnotiq and Vijayrath.My money would be on Hypnotiq win/shp.

Race2: Vijaysena(6)-win Superflous(11)-place

Vijaysena is working very well, is well bred can win.Only drawback is that it is running for the first time and drawn in innermost box.It was slowly off in its sole gate practise.So it should settle well after the jump out to be in contention for win as there are some genuine sprinters in this set which can make the task of vijaysena more difficult.My money would be on superflous who was seen finishing on very well inspite of loosing some lengths at start,extra 100 mts would be to its advantage,Place is CERTAIN.Earth bender requires more distance,Greenhaven has bad gate manners.Alawal tracks very well but never does well in subsequent race.Sprint champ finished powerful second behind cool spice but that was very weak company evident by the fact that a horse like Sprint champ which could not place in entire Winter season found himself on board,has no chance here.

Race3: Strategic partner(3)-win

Strategic partner is cut above the rest,faces no opposition in this set and inspite of top weight should win.Its second behind Gleamingsky over 1800mts at weight of 59 ahead of Attaturk and Thundersroar(winner) proves that it can easily carry this weight over this distance.Rubenstein will need this run.Lucky damsel is expected to finish ahead of Lalapitus.If the odds of strategic partner are unplayable then place bet on luckydamsel can be considered.

Race4:Allegation(4)-win Narwhal(1)-place

Allegation has +ve of equipment and jockey, benifit of two easy runs,working well should easily win this race.Garrison chief is unknown commodity,had two easy runs at bangalore,+ve change of equipment.But the big -ve point is that it was seen in track only once and the trainer has declared Jockey chary instead of P S Chouhan who is declared on his other horses.Narwhal will place by default and if odds are good it would be safe to bet place on him.

Race5: Pagethree(1)-E/W

Cannon eye won impressively beating Millenuim queen which won on last Monday.It is at tidy handicap to score an encore in this higher category,but outermost draw is the only -ve point against it.If it can overcome that shortcoming it will be a winner.Pagethree is genuine dark horse in this set who ran good forward races in higher category,does not belong to this set and has enough class to run away with this race,is definetely very good each way bet.Orange county may be fancied on basis of its third behind Gables where it led till last 1oo mts.But that was the only good run he had in his last 20 or some odds runs.Jockey also is very mediocore.Classic ruby was not seen in tracks after its last run,hence ignored.Temple bells and Vijaymarg will need this run.

Race6: See youthere(5)-win

Seeyouthere ran along with likes of Kylesofbute,Redfairy,Ableassociates in its sole run(Raceno 268) in winter,subsequently went to Bangalore,ran easy.It looks very fit as evident by trial work should easily win in this set, connections willing.Manythanks will finish ahead of cannon gain.Note Cannon gain who has improved very well and if seeyouthere fails for any reason he will grab the opportunity.Place is CERTAIN.

Race7: Flyingrudolph(4)-Win/Shp

On paper crocodile hunter looks outstanding,but one must not forget that it is now in new stables.Satyanarayan is definetely not Rafaat hussain.Rajveer has no chance in this set.Auxillary and flyingrudolph are the two prime contenders.Auxillary by virtue of being drawn in innermost box will have to rush to the front after jump out which is not to the liking of classic filly.My money would be of Flyingrudolph who has proved his class many times,has run benifit and can cause a major upset.

Race8: Feudallord(4)-win

Fuedal lord finished impressive second behind Alcology after a long lay off.It is working well,entrusted to good jockey has good chance to win here. Dark horse in this field is Smartchoice who can run away with this race.Smartchoice is seen regular in trials indicating its readiness,can really pose danger to fuedal lords.One thing must be kept in mind that it is at the rating of 26,unplaced run in this race will bring down her rating below 25 thus making it eligible for cat3 upto 25 races which has some Genuine Donkeys making its task more easy.So what is in its master's mind,whether it wants to go down or up, is pure guess work.Iceman,a demotee at best can place.There is a buzz about Anguna,i have little trust in the trainer,hence ignoring it.

Race9: Redriverrebel(10)-win

Redriverrebel is working very well,ran good forward races at bangalore,should have no trouble in winning in this poor set.If it is available at cramped odds then place bets on Championstar and smarty prince would be a good option.Will Prasadraju reward Shanker with a win on smartyprince like he did for Laxman and G B khade???


Likely winners:Allegation(4-4),Seeyouthere(6-5),Fuedal lords(8-4),Redriverrebel(9-10)

Place: Superflous(2-11),Luckydamsel(3-8),Narwhal(4-1),Cannongain(6-6),

Eachway: Hypnotiq(1-1),Pagethree(5-1),Flyingrudolph(7-4)

Upset: Smarty(8-12),smartyprince(9-5)

Have a nice day

Vinod vyas


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