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Bangalore opening day-->comments and selections

Friday, May 17, 2013

Races run according to merit,cricket played honestly,politicians not indulging in corruptions and Cat turning vegetarian is MYTH

Be careful before taking any call.

First day of the season,needless to say caution is the key point.Neil Darashah and Y Srinath combo has decent chance of scoring double.

Race1:Sue Nevell(11)

Can be interesting race.Azetic Star is showing lot of speed in trackworks but not in tracks for last 12 days,cannot take confident call in its debut run

Noble and Nice has been prepared well,looks fit and should be in thick of action.

Tony Montanao is good in tracks and can place at longer odds.

Cruise Clear is running for first time without adequate preparation,will need this run.

Sue Nevell ran impressively in its debut run behind too good Cash My way,working well and has very good chance to win.

Race2:Ice Cream(3)

Cool Hand after getting liberal handicap  reduction of 3kgs inspite of finishing close fourth in higher class is back to its winning class,worked up well,but beaten in final trackwork by same class horse ,outermost box  and whipless rider are added worries.

Ice Cream now runs with CNB after long lay off,working well in tracks,facing weaker set,can upset

Thunder Blitz is regular in pools,looks fit,should place.

Volt runs after long lay off,first run after being gelded,ignore

Triple Victory is running in class down,not impressive trackwork as it is  getting beaten by lower rated horse in final trackwork

Silver Street  has no form.

Magnamous warms up late but in this set can place at lucrative odds.

Race3:Magical Spell(3)

Race is restricted to Magical Spell and Cash my way,former is too good and should easily get pass thru front running Cash My Way.Fantastic Strike or Amazing Bay can fill in remaining berth.


This is confusing race as worthy contenders are not in tracks or pool.

Divine Deliverance may not sustain this distance

Fire Light has come down to its winning class,but not in tracks or pool

Cow Boy cal is working well but runs in steel shoes which is not the winning pattern.

Formula One  is regular in tracks,may recieve some support due to notable second in its last run but it is bad carrier of top weight.

Sumitamo may find this distance bit sharp,can place

Supreme is not sighted in tracks or pools,ran good forward races in higher class,can tackle this set,only worry is fitness


Striking,Perfect Soul and Archie emerge as main contenders.

Striking has beaten Perfect soul which was installed as hot fav,has tremendous turn of foot and should take lot of beating.

Perfect Soul after failing as fav won impressively in its next run,last run was impressive in graded race,will be in serious contention,has to beat striking.

Archie impressed as debutant in Mum,difference of track will have huge effect.

Refreshed can place at longer odds.

Cheque discounter has outside chance to place at lucrative odds.


Class 1 race with many worthy contenders.

Successor is showing lot of promise in tracks,can do well in hands of this ace jockey.

Chulbul Pandey is ridden by average jockey,pace of race may deter its chances.

Secret Punch is well placed and should place,can upset also.

Cecil likes to come off the pace thru rails side which may not be possible in hot paced large field race.

Cape Ferrat can place at longer odds

Jersey Girl faces tough higher class,has tough job on hand


Charlatan has been running consistently over 6 furlongs,in this step up distance had chance but first run after gelding,hence ignored

Bronzino is working well but belongs to unreliable stables,can win.

Triumpant can place at longer odds

Watch out for market trends of Laguna Beach,can surprise on debut if in odds below 7/1

Stimulate is working well,failed as fav in debut run,at best can place

Race8:Dance of General(11)

Dance of General has some form to support in this set of non performers,can pull it off from Jewel Lady and Tower Of Hanoi

Days Best:Successor(6-3)


Anonymous,  May 17, 2013 at 10:49 PM  

Welcome ........ :)
Dear Sir..... Post some good combinations of Tanala AND JP of B'lore 18th May 2013 . First Day Of Summer ....

Awaiting for ur Comments....

Anonymous,  May 18, 2013 at 12:40 AM  

Sir today races good or bad pls replyme

Ramana May 18, 2013 at 6:59 PM  

sir , good comments of Firtst day Blore,,,,

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